
Cross-platform command line interface for OneDrive (Personal)


The provided shell.nix for the Nix package manager contains all development dependencies. Use it with nix-shell or Direnv's use nix.

Update Nix files

sh node2nix -l package-lock.json


From source: sh $ git clone $ cd onedrive-cli $ npm install $ bin/onedrive login

Or use npm: sh npm install @lionello/onedrive-cli

Or use nix-env: sh nix-env -if -A package


usage: onedrive COMMAND [arguments]

This little utility supports the following commands: * cat - dumps the contents of a file to stdout * chmod - change sharing permissions * cp - copies local file(s) to OneDrive or vice-versa * df - shows OneDrive storage usage stats * find - find file(s) or folder(s) by name, optionally separated by NUL * help - shows list of supported commands * ln - create a link to the remote item * login - request/store an OAuth access token * ls - list the contents of a folder * mkdir - create a remote folder * mv - move a local file to OneDrive or vice-versa * rm - delete a file from OneDrive (not implemented) * sendmail - send an invitation email for editing to recipients * stat - dump all information for particular file(s) * wget - copy a remote URL to OneDrive (server side)


List the contents of the Public folder

onedrive ls Public

Grep one file

onedrive cat Documents/passwords | grep boa

Let OneDrive upload a file server side

onedrive wget Documents/somehugepublicfile

Upload files recursively

find * -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -I{} onedrive cp "./{}" "Shared Favorites/{}"

Move remote files to a new folder

onedrive find 'Pictures/Camera Roll' -regex 2015 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 onedrive mv -t :/Pictures/2015/


Access token was not found; 'login' first.

The onedrive utility needs an access token in order to read/write to your OneDrive storage. Use theonedrive login command to get the address of the Microsoft login page. After login, this page will redirect to the file oauthcallbackhandler.html ( and extract the access_token from the URL parameters. Copy-paste this token into the command line. This will save the token in a file called ~/.onedrive-cli-token. These tokens have a validity of 1 hour.

"An item with the same name already exists under the parent"

Currently, a copy will fail if a file with the same it already exists. Change the name of the target, or use other means to delete/rename the existing file in your OneDrive.

Invalid source name

You cannot copy folders. Specify a source file instead, or use wildcards.

Invalid target name

The target file name cannot be determined from the source path. Specify a target file name.

Use ./ or :/ path prefix for local or remote paths.

The cp command supports both local->remote as well as remote->local copy. To make it clear which path is remote and which is local, either use ./ as a prefix for the local path, or use :/ as a prefix for the remote path. Either one will suffice.

chmod: Invalid file mode

The chmod command currently only supports -w or -rw. The former tried to downgrade write shares to read-only, whereas the latter removes all shares for the given item(s). Octal modes are accepted (for example 644, 0700) as well as og-rw or g-w.