"We are sorry for this message."

"Container cu grup sanitar"
I’ve seen some pretty weird spam, and now and then even spam can be surprising and noteworthy:
Buna ziua,
Ne cerem scuze pentru acest mesaj.
Va trimitem acest mesaj in speranta ca ne puteti ajuta sa gasim un
container furat acum 2 saptamani de la sediul nostru din Stefanestii
de Jos, judetul ilfov.
Containerul este un container dormitor cu 6 paturi sudate la
interior, cu rama de culoare rosie si peretii din panouri sandwich de
culoare alba, a fost transportat cu o un camion mic ( 6 metri) de tip
Iveco, incarcat cu o macara, se pare noua, de culoare albastra, marca
Liebherr .
Tipul de container furat poate fi vazut pe
<a href="http://www.procontainer.ro/container/modele.html" title="Tipul de container furat">http://www.procontainer.ro/container/modele.html</a>
Daca puteti oferi detalii va rugam sa sunati la 0731316939 sau la
politia Stefanestii de Jos, Judetul Ilfov
Va multumim
sc procontainer srl
My quick’n’dirty translation into English:
Good day,
We are sorry for this message.
We send you this message in the hope that you can help us to find a container that was stolen 2 weeks ago from our headquarters in Stefanestii de Jos, Ilfov county.
The container is a container with 6 beds welded inside, with a red frame and walls made from sandwiched white panes; it was transported using a small (6 meter) Iveco van, loaded with a crane, which appeared to be new, white colored, of the Liebherr brand.
The type of stolen container can be seen at
<a href="http://www.procontainer.ro/container/modele.html" title="Tipul de container furat">http://www.procontainer.ro/container/modele.html</a>
If you can offer any details please call 0731316939 or the police in Stefanestii de Jos, Ilfov county.
Thank you,
sc procontainer srl
Now, I’m not entirely sure that this isn’t some kind of marketing trick. After all, just having a link to their site on this page will get them a better ranking at Google. Although, asking people to call the police in Stefanestii de Jos might not be the smartest way to go. (Unless of course they’re in on it, as in, have stocks and stuff.)
Either way, a spam message that surprised me today. I actually don’t mind these