News round-up
Let’s see if I can get the hang of this blogging thing. News round-up!
From CNN:
A severed human foot was found washed up on an island on the western coast of Canada this week, the fifth detached foot found in the area in the past 11 months, according to local police and media reports.
(Oh noes, another Dexter fan?)
"These are pristine islands, not the place where you would expect to find a bunch of severed feet."
Uhm, where would you expect to find a bunch of severed feet? (Ine: “Haiti.” Touché.)
Next, from Volkskrant:
The Belgian army is almost out of ammunition. Each soldier has approximately 5 cartridges left. A recent order for 5 million bullets had to be redone because of procedural errors.
Allegations claiming that soldiers had to yell "bang, bang" during practice were denied by the Ministry of Defense.